Wednesday 3 March 2010

The "WOW Factor" at the Ideal Home Show from 20th March 2010..

"Earls Court set to be covered in grass for Ideal Home Show

Iconic event space Earls Court will see its frontage covered in grass for the Ideal Home Show that is running from 20 March to 5 April.

After a brainstorming session by the exhibition's new owners, Media 10, it was decided that the show needed to provide visitors with the wow factor immediately after they left the tube station and headed to the venue.

As a result Media 10 will be bringing in the talents of Southgate Designs to cover the building's frontage and walkway in grass (see attached picture).

Southgate Designs is the company that produces all of the designs for Grand Design Live, another show organised by Media 10.

Under new ownership the Ideal Home Show is set to launch a number of feature areas and celebrity speakers that include Monty Don and Fiona Phillips."

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